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Townsville Snakes Gallery

Disclaimer: The contents of this web page/document are intended and provided for information purposes only. The page creator/ document provider has attempted to ensure that the resource is current and accurate but cannot guarantee this. The resource is provided on the basis that persons accessing it undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. The page creator/ document provider does not accept any liability to any person or body for the information (or the use of such information) which is provided in this resource. This is an information sheet only and not legal or reptile related advice. While every care has been taken in the production of this web page/document, no legal responsibility or liability is accepted, warranted or implied by the authors, editors or page creator/document provider in respect of any errors, omissions or mis-statements and any liability is hereby expressly disclaimed.


Selection of photos of snakes found in the Townsville Region. Not to be used for ID. Please refer to home page for information on each species. Refer to disclaimer.

© 2015 by Snakes of Townsville. All images © 2015 Krystal Huff unless otherwise stated. 

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